Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Be Backpack Smart for Back To School

What a great idea; Backpack Smart for Back to School. 

After all, we see it every September around the Lower Mainland... throngs of children making their way to school, each hunched over like Quasimodo, struggling to lug bulging backpacks that often look like they weigh more than the children carrying them.

While backpacks are a reality and the need to transport books and other school supplies to and from school each day is unavoidable, considering that according to a study, 35 - 65% of children complain of back pain, it's worth the little extra effort to be backpack smart.

A properly fitting, good quality backpack, not excessively overloaded, can help prevent back strains, neck strains and other injuries.

Here is a great paper on being backpack smart, just in time for the first school bell of the new school year in Surrey!