Showing posts with label back pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back pain. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Let It Snow... Let It Snow... Let It Snow!

There's no avoiding it. Winter's coming. Sure, most of us don't see a huge amount of snow in Surrey. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't take the necessary precautions when it comes to shoveling snow when we do get it!

Snow shoveling is the number one cause of back injury during the winter months.

If not done right, shoveling snow can lead to injury such as a painful muscle strain, or possibly something more serious such as a herniated disk.

Here are some tips to help you avoid lower back injury and pain during the winter season.

The right shovel makes all the difference. 

An ergonomically designed shovel can take some of the strain off of your snow shoveling.

Look for ones with a curved handle or an adjustable handle length this will help minimize bending over when shoveling.

Warm up. 

Remember, warmed up muscles are less prone to injury than cold tight muscles.

Do a five to ten minute warm up before shoveling.

To warm up go for a walk. This well get your blood moving. Also do some stretches.

When it comes time to shovel, pace yourself. Remove a little at a time. Do not try to shovel the full depth all at once.

Take a break every 10 – 15 minutes or if you feel over worked if necessary.

Stretch out your arms and back as well to help keep them warm and flexible.

Ergonomic Lifting tips and Techniques:
  • Always face the object you intend to lift 
  • Bend at your hips, not the lower back. Keep your chest up and bend at the knees and lift with your legs, keeping your back straight.
  • Keep your loads light. 
  • If a load is heavy keep one hand as close to the blade and one on the handle. 
  • Avoid twisting your back to move a load, always pivot and move your whole body.
  • Walk to the area where you wish to dump the snow.
  • When gripping the shovel keep your hands about 12 inches apart this will provide better stability and reduce the chance of injury.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Preventing Injury Raking Leaves

Fall is near at hand and that means raking, which can also lead to back pain and other strains and injuries.

For us in BC, we're fortunate to live in a Province abundant with trees and foliage. In Fall, however, all our leafy friends wind up leaving us with BIG cleanups as piles of leaves blanket our yards and flower beds.

Over the next few weeks, people throughout Surrey, Langley and elsewhere around the Lower Mainland, will take to their yards, rakes in hand and begin the tiresome, painstaking task of 'sweeping' away endless piles of leaves and other yard waste in preparation for Winter.

And as inevitable as the leaves falling are the back strains, shoulder pains and wrist soreness that often follow.

Before you head out to the yard and rake this year, check out our white paper on leaf raking to help you properly prepare with the right technique an the right tools to prevent injury and and make leaf raking a breeze!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Be Backpack Smart for Back To School

What a great idea; Backpack Smart for Back to School. 

After all, we see it every September around the Lower Mainland... throngs of children making their way to school, each hunched over like Quasimodo, struggling to lug bulging backpacks that often look like they weigh more than the children carrying them.

While backpacks are a reality and the need to transport books and other school supplies to and from school each day is unavoidable, considering that according to a study, 35 - 65% of children complain of back pain, it's worth the little extra effort to be backpack smart.

A properly fitting, good quality backpack, not excessively overloaded, can help prevent back strains, neck strains and other injuries.

Here is a great paper on being backpack smart, just in time for the first school bell of the new school year in Surrey!